The DanceSport Confidence Wellbeing Program was developed in 2006 in collaboration with the Department of Education.
Running for a highly successful 16 years DSC has brought this experience to over 150,000 students in NSW, and continues to grow now serving Victoria and Queensland. Its focus is the development of core values


What We Offer

We provide Stage 3 programs for both Year 5, ‘My Best Self’ and Year 6, ‘Our Best Selves’. These programs have been endorsed by the NSW Department of Education, meaning we are an approved quality-assured external provider for Wellbeing programs.
A unique combination of ballroom partner dancing and wellbeing discussions
have proven to enhance children's attributes across interpersonal skills,
resilience and sense of belonging.

Health & Physical Education Syllabus
All Strands and Sub-Strands addressed
Personal and Social Capability Curriculum Strands
Self-Awareness & Management
Social Awareness & Management
The Arts Syllabus
All Dance curriculum content
Endorsed by Dr Phil Lambert and Natasha van der Wall,
Clinical Psychologist
Make an Inquiry
Email: support@dancesportconfidence.com
Phone: 0499 558 839
Web: www.dancesportconfidence.com
The programs deliver 10 out of 11 of the PDHPE Syllabus K-10 outcomes , a long with a l l 3 of the Dance out comes from the Creative Art s Syllabus K-6. It also delivers all 4 elements from the ACARA Personal and Social Capability Learning Continuum: Self-awareness , Self- management, Social Awareness and Social Management.
All syllabus outcomes, objectives, key inquiry questions, propositions and skill domains are outlined in the Teaching and Learning Outline for Educators . An assessment rubric is also included for your convenience.
Teachers can enjoy more time joining
in the classes and building their own
interaction and rapport with their

SIP Evidence
A pinnacle piece of our program is the presentation we provide, documenting all the tangible evidence on your students ' wellbeing to simply upload directly into your Strategic Improvement Plan! Using the students self rating before and after the program we gather tangible data to measure their level of wellbeing.
This gives you clear evidence to document your schools Wellbeing Targets as required. A pinnacle piece of our program is the presentation we provide, documenting all the tangible evidence on your students ' wellbeing to simply upload directly into your Strategic Improvement Plan! Using the students self rating before and after the program we gather tangible data to measure their level of wellbeing. And this gives you clear evidence to document your schools Wellbeing Targets as required.
Interpersonal Skills


2023 Results
Students rating themselves between 8-10 on a 10 point scale rose for:
Interpersonal Skills from 84 students pre-program to 393 students post-program, representing a substantial
increase of 53%
Resilience/Confidence from 228 students pre-program implementation to 416 students post program,
again representing a significant increase of 32%
Sense of Belonging/Connectedness rose from 153 students pre-program to 377 student post-program
representing an increase of 39%.
Timeline Snapshot

Each Week your students engage in a wellbeing discussion and dance practice with their instructor. A new dance style is introduced every 2 weeks to prepare for the Gala where all dances are performed. Dance styles include Cha Cha, Tango, Jive, Salsa, Samba, Waltz and Swing. This will be stipulated in the 10 or 15th week and different between either the my Best Self or Our Best Selves Program.
PRE PROGRAM: Prior to the program commencing, all dancesport school coordinators are invited to attend a meeting where further details regarding the program and the competition Gala will be discussed.
DURING PROGRAM: Your instructor will guide weekly dance tutorials to prepare your school for their final event. Teachers can follow along the lesson plan in their Outline for Educators supplied. We provide fun educational slides on each style to provide history and video tutorials of the dance learnt. Teachers encouraged to show these in their class.
Your Instructors
All of our instructors have current WWCC which is issued to you well ahead of time to ensure clearance prior to your onsite session.
Professional ballroom dancers with a wealth of experience, further equipped with wellbeing training our instructors deliver all the planned content. This allows your teachers to get involved in the learning, assisting behavioural management but most importantly allows your teachers moments to see their students in a different perspective and foster deeper connections.

Gala Events
Olympic Park Spectacular: Schools involved in the
15 week programs are invited to compete against
all schools in NSW.
Commonly held in Week 6 or 7 in Term 3 this
Gala sees around 2000 students come together to
compete in each style, with industry renowned
dancers professionally adjudicating. Runs
approximately 3pm - 9pm.
Local Events: Many of our 10 week programs
culminate in a Gala at their local Auditorium. When Joining a
few schools together, we create a community
event to showcase the students hard work. This
is hugely popular for schools with less travel
time and free parking for attendees, with
audience access to the bar during the event.
Runs approximately 5:45pm - 8:30pm.
Both events are ticketed for audience
members organised and purchased via our
School staff receive complimentary tickets.
The Gala becomes one of the most memorable
moments in these childrens experience.
It gives one magical time to combine all their
new disciplines in one go showing:
Confidence: to perform in front of an audience
Resilience: Competing against other students
and schools
Sense of belonging: Connecting with their dance partner and cheering on their peers

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Resources Provided
We Provide you with all templated resources to minimise as much work for you as possible. This Includes:
1. The Learning Outlines and Outcomes for Educators: Your entire term of PDHPE content is covered through our program with an embedded PDHPE rubric, a spreadsheet to record your students wellbeing data, PDHPE assessments, ACARA Personal and Social Capability Elements and CAPA outcomes.
2. Student Self Rating Forms: An easy to use digital form for your students to rate themselves both pre and post program. This gives you measurable data to gauge their level of wellbeing.
3. Slide shows. For each dance style comes a fun assisting presentation. These can be shown in yout class time with historical background and practice videos.
4. Permission slips: We template the permission slips for you so all you need to do is share with your parents/carrers prior to the event.
5. Ticket Information. Gala Tickets are all managed through DSC. We provide a template letter for you to share with parents/carers noting all importing details.
6. Event Risk Assessment. An explicitly documented risk assessment is provided for you to easily slip in your school documentation.
7. Student Participation Certificate: Optional Certificates to share with students after completing programs.
Student Reflection journal
Key components
Pre and Post Student self - rating likert scale, directly linked to student sense of belonging, resilience and interpersonal skills.
Weekly Reflection Task Related to the wellbeing content Delivered
Tangible Evidence For teachers to measure student growth in wellbeing.
Included in the cost of the program is a colourful printed journal for each student, providing spaces for them to write up to weekly reflective tasks after each session. These books are kept by the students and allows them to utilise the skills they practice and identify their own emotions, road blocks and develop strategies to overcome.

Lets take action !
Click on marketplace and enter:

1. Preferred delivery day
2. Number of class slots required
3. Preferred time delivery
4. Approximate number of students
5. Program choice, or both!

1. Term of delivery
2. 10 or 15 weeks
3. Intention to participate in a Gala event
Our support team will contact to confirm:

1. Booking confirmed
2. School coordinator pack
3. Instructor WWCC and Journals
4 Invoice issued
You will receive:

Your school is ready to go. The instructor will bring hard copies of their ID and WWCC on their first day and introduce your students and teacher into the program.
keep smiling and keep dancing!
Let's Commence!
What do you need to do?
Allocate weekly 45 - 60 minute time slot per class, provide school hall or suitable space for practice.
What you get:
- Full term PDHPE Lesson plans and outlines in conjunction with stage 3 syllabus.
- Templated assessment rubric ready to fill.
- Risk assessment documented ready to use.
- Easy to use digital forms to gather students' details and record results
- Presentation of students' well-being results for SIP evidence submission.
- Structured lessons planned and delivered for your teaching staff.
- Informational flyers to promote with parents and the local community.
- Permission notes and event letters ready to issue to parents.
- Quality reputable instructors with up-to-date WWCC and training eager to support your school.
- Options to participate in scheduled Gala events covered in the program cost.
- Ongoing support from the DSC Management team for scheduling, instructor and communication needs.